Sunday, December 31, 2006

Six months have passed! Eventful months. Tiring months. And here we are at the end of 2006. We have had plans since mid-October to move to Asheville, NC. I need some relief from the relentless Florida heat and the pervasive worry that a hurricane will come by.

We've been through so many incarnations of the dream - sell this house and buy a permanent residence in western NC, keep this house and buy a small retreat or even a mobile home in the mountains. So far, nothing has happened except that my house is a lot cleaner. And that is GOOD!

I worry about having enough money to implement any version of the plan. I think that will be my New Year's resolution - eliminate debt other than mortgage, student loan, and car loan. And since I am the one working AND the one spending most of the money, I am the one who must take responsibility for making it work! I expect that the $3100 tax credit for the new Prius will help!

So, the year from June 27 to date:

1. Terrible blow up with my son, causing me to retreat from contact with him. This required a new acceptance of the distance he wants between us. Very hard. Very sad.
2. Totalled my 2003 Prius. ALL my fault. Who said I could be a cowboy? I paid with bruises and pain for a few weeks. Then I got a wonderful NEW Prius. Wonderful car - 50 mpg!!!
3. The opera company came home again. We keep trying to give it away but still maintain contact and the spirit it was founded in. This time I stupidly, foolishly allowed myself to get completely back into the areas I haven't wanted to handle for several years. This has caused a lot of stress and ultimately the push for relocation! The worst results are headaches and stomach agitation.
4. Much more needlepoint! Christmas presents for nearly everybody came out of that. I love working with the colors and textures.
5. The unheard of has happened - I have an ARTIFICIAL Christmas tree in my living room! It is quite beautiful, though.
6. I find myself, at the close of 2006, needing to remind myself that my own positive energy will create the positive results I want. I will need to exercise some discipline and forethought to combat my spending urges, particularly when it comes to stitching. I have strong Taoist leanings towards non-action, and this must be something I reflect upon and quite possibly release. Louise Hay's affirmations are not non-active, and I embrace that concept too. Perhaps inaction comes from that long-held victim-stance that has historically gotten me in big trouble!

I included this in my Christmas/Holiday letter
"To see a World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
William Blake"

"We are ever mindful that joy comes from seeking the wonder in whatever surrounds us, and treasuring friends, family and experiences as a mother cherishes a newborn child. We wish you that joy, now and in the New Year!"

That pretty much sums it up... now on to a new calendar!

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three on the futon

three on the futon

5th Anniversary of the Stroke

Nearly 5 years ago, I suffered a stroke that left me with numbness and lack of coordination of my right hand and arm. For awhile, I could not speak normally, and I couldn't say my husband's name. With time and occupational and massage therapy, sensation began to return. My speech cleared up within the month. I relearned how to brush my teeth and hair, how to butter toast, how to handle a fork. I used a speech program on the computer for several months, because my right hand could not type. I am very grateful for the lessons I learned from this experience. After 5 years, a person is considered to be at no increased risk of having another CVA (cerebrovascular accident). That's my upcoming milestone!
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