Thursday, January 04, 2007

Why, oh why do we blog?

After staying up till 1 in the morning looking at other people's blogs, I got to thinking. For many people, the blog is like a diary. Since a diary is most often a record of private thoughts, why do we post it in such a potentially public place, on the WORLD WIDE WEB???

My Grammie wrote a daily diary. After her death, I found boxes of small black datebooks - her diaries. Each represented one year's recording of her activities, the weather, and her observations. She didn't rant and rave. That's not to say the reader couldn't glean something of her emotions, but they were subtle, nonassertive, even apologetic.

I associate the word "diary" with adolescent girls - do they have them these days? A locked leather book with a tiny key holds all their wishes, dreams, and heartaches.

Thinking of earlier historical and literary examples, I recall reading books that were a collection of diary entries - one in particular, the name of which escapes me presently, was the diary of a pioneer woman. I would like to relocate it and read it again in light of these ramblings. Then there is the film example of Dances with Wolves - the Kevin Costner character had a diary in which he recorded his experiences, complete with drawings. One poignant moment happened after the Cavalry came to his camp, and one of the soldiers used a page of the diary for toilet paper!

But the question remains, and it deeply reflects our times, I believe, Why record our thoughts, feelings, and experiences in such a public forum?

There is so much available to us on the information highway, that we feel at once puny and insignificant, and at the same time possessed of power to reach a multitude of others! What a heady mixture of excitement - the possibility of enormous gratification when one's post is read, and the comment is affirming! A perfect stranger, or a "blog buddy" sharing our thoughts! I believe that is why it is important to acknowledge a writer's posting with a pertinent comment, if one comes to mind.

We are so separate, and at the same time, we can see how very many of us are out there. No small town, this, but a potentially global-sized, limitless circle of acquaintances, or even friends!

It's a fascinating topic, this blogging, and I welcome YOUR comments, dear reader.


ChrisB said...

When I started this blog back in Sept when I retired, one of my friends asked why on earth would I want 'the world' to read about my life. I don't view it that way at all. I do not see it as intrusive, I see it as taking a genuine interest in people and being sharing and caring. I really look forward to my daily reads and like you I find myself staying up late to read as my list grows. See you again.

Hege said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog! It's very interesting this blogging thing, and I have made lots of friends through it. I find that I like reading personal stories other people write, but I don't write anything very personal myself...
Best wishes to you as well!

AngelSan said...

I blog to record my creative things. I tend not to talk about my life. I share ideas, accomplishements, ask advice... and get to meet new people !

Teenagers now have blogs with pictures of their friends, what they like, etc... it's a sort of diary, but on the web ;)

Unknown said...

Don't think of it as a personal diary needing a lock and a key, but as a message posted in a bottle and flung out to the great internet sea. If this were a romance novel some great love of your life would find it. If this were a science fiction novel, some alien spaceship would whisk you away to great adventure (and maybe even the throne of an exotic kingdom). Instead all we are looking for are Like-minded individuals. Someone who reads our words and is moved by them. And what better than on a blog (lasting enough time to find those Like-minded Individuals) and with enough viewpoints to see if you are truly Like-minded. If you find one or two out of the millions and millions of English speakers is that not a Great Joy in itself? Isn't that why we blog?

three on the futon

three on the futon

5th Anniversary of the Stroke

Nearly 5 years ago, I suffered a stroke that left me with numbness and lack of coordination of my right hand and arm. For awhile, I could not speak normally, and I couldn't say my husband's name. With time and occupational and massage therapy, sensation began to return. My speech cleared up within the month. I relearned how to brush my teeth and hair, how to butter toast, how to handle a fork. I used a speech program on the computer for several months, because my right hand could not type. I am very grateful for the lessons I learned from this experience. After 5 years, a person is considered to be at no increased risk of having another CVA (cerebrovascular accident). That's my upcoming milestone!
Thirteen Things about YOUR NAME
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